Friday, September 12, 2008

Behind the name

Not "Carrie Hates Running" because that's pretty self explanatory, but "Slouching Towards Wellness". I totally ripped it off from a book of essays by Joan Didion "Slouching Towards Bethlehem." Joan (if I may call her that) has a really interesting style of writing that I can really relate to; it's very deadpan. If any one's up for a really interesting read, check out "The Year of Magical Thinking" (by Joan). It's about her husband dying suddenly while their only daughter was in a coma in the ICU and how she managed to make it through that year.

Not even remotely BTG related, I realize...but, I want to keep trying to post once a week and this was all I could come up with today. Also, I wanted to throw something out there after I trashed "Eat, Pray, Love" in my last post. I'm trying to revisit meditation with a positive attitude, but I still hate that book:)

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